Quality projects, reasonable rates, and experience management.
Our Mission.
Our Story.
Tom Roe & Son is a small family owned and operated company based in Big Timber, Montana. We have been in business for two generations- or more than 40 years - and have specialized in golf course construction and rehabilitation for nearly 30 years.
We tackle projects of all sizes in the public and private sectors, for organizations, businesses, and individuals:
Golf course construction and restoration
Stream and pond development and restoration
Alternative energy site development
Fish and wildlife habitat improvement and restoration
Road building and other heavy construction

How We Work.
In all of our projects, we work closely with the designer and/or architect and the property owner to deliver a result that is exactly what the designer and owner want. Our small group of employees is cohesive and experienced, enabling us to complete projects that meet design goals, objectives, and schedules. We work closely with biologists and agencies on wildlife habitat restoration and water reclamation projects.
The Old Works Golf Club in Anaconda, Montana is a case in point. Working in cooperation with ARCO, State and Federal Agencies, and Jack Nicklaus Design, we helped to turn a superfund site into a community golf course.
Experience Counts.
The diversity of our projects allows our employees to transfer complementary skills and experiences from one project to another. For example, experience in golf-course building - and the highly specialized tools used in the work- translates directly to our stream and pond development projects, making these projects fit into their environments as if they had been in place for years.