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Stream and Pond Development & Restoration



What we do:


Our work includes developing new, restoring existing streams and ponds, water reclamation, and fish and wildlife habitat restoration and improvement. 


We work closely with several excellent fish biologists and engineering firms who help the owner with the permitting process, as well as design ponds to accommodate fish successfully. 


We also improve aquatic vegetation, mitigate high-water runoff, and contain species (fish) where they are supposed to be. 


In all of our projects, we use safe and environmentally responsible practices. 


Some of our projects:

Pond - south of livingston, MT

Pond - Seeley Lake area

Pond restoration, improvement of fish habitat - Madison County

Spawing streams, cutthroat trout habitat improvement - Sweet Grass County

New pond construction for fish, cattle, and water storage for fire protection


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